regarding the organization and provision of personal participation

at the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students

and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 and publication of scientific materials in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025

"BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book"

Chernivtsi, 2025


The partner of the Congress - the non-governmental organisation "NextGen Medicine", EDRPOU code 45785710, in the person of the Head of the NGO Chernei Nadiia, which acts on the basis of the Statute, hereinafter referred to as "PARTNER", offers to any capable individual or legal entity, hereinafter referred to as "PARTICIPANT", and together "the PARTIES" to enter into this contract on the terms specified in it. In accordance with Articles 633 and 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, this contract is a public offer (public contract) and its terms are the same for all Participants. In case of agreement to the terms of the contract (acceptance), the Participant undertakes to fulfill them in good faith. Disagreement with the conditions specified in this Agreement causes the inability of the Partner to provide participation in the Congress and publication of scientific materials in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book".

Partner publishes this Agreement about the following:

Definition of terms:

Congress – the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students

and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 – The event that is taking place on April 2-4, 2025. The languages of the conference are Ukrainian and English.

Website of the Congress – the main source of information for the Participants, which is a web page on the Internet at the address:

Email of the Congress -  the official e-mail address of the Organizing Committee of the Congress is e-mail:

Partner of the Congress – The representative of the organizing committee of the conference, the NGO "NextGen Medicine", EDRPOU code 45785710, which operates on the basis of the Statute, represented by the Head of the NGO Chernei Nadiia.

Participant of the Congress – a natural or legal person who expressed the intention to participate in the conference.

Services for publication of an article in the Collection of the Congress – publication of scientific materials in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book" under the conditions and in the scope outlined on the conference website at:

Public offer – the Partner's offer (posted on the Congress website at:, addressed to an unspecified circle of natural and legal persons to enter into this Agreement on specified terms.

Acceptance – complete, unconditional and unreserved acceptance by the Participant of the terms of the Public Offer and this Agreement. Acceptance is deemed to have been made, the public offer accepted and the Agreement concluded by the Parties from the moment of registration of the Participant by means of the link on the Congress website at the address: and payment by the Participant of the organizational contribution determined by this Agreement.

Membership fee for participation in the Congress – the amount of money paid by the Participant to the Partner to cover the costs associated with participation in the Congress and the publication of scientific materials in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book". The publication fee does not include the cost of their travel to the Congress venue and accommodation.

Publication of scientific materials in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book" – printing of the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book" and presentation of the electronic version on the website at the address:

This event is the fulfillment by the Partner of its obligations under this Agreement.


Subject of the contract

1.1.  The Partner obligates to contribute to the organization of the Congress, to ensure the publication of the Participant's scientific materials in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book" in accordance with the Congress Program, which is published in the appropriate section on the website at:

1.2.  The Participant undertakes to accept the services provided and to pay the Publication Fee in a timely manner under the terms of this Agreement.

1.3. The Participant agrees to the public display, reproduction and distribution of photos/videos with their participation by the Partner.


Publication fee and payment procedure

2.1.  The amount of the publication fee is specified in the appropriate section on the Congress website at the address: and is valid at the time of payment by the Participant.

2.2.  The Participant shall pay the Registration Fee on the terms of 100% prepayment within the terms specified in the relevant section on the Congress website at:

2.3.  Payment of the Registration fee for participation in the Congress is made by the Participant by transferring the appropriate amount to the Partner's current account based on the selected participation option and the correspondingly selected price presented on the website at:

2.4.  The deadline for remittance of the organizational contribution (fees for publication) is until March 20, 2025.


Service provision procedure

3.1.  Services are provided by publishing the Participant's scientific materials in a collection based on the results of their participation in the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 (April 2 - 4, 2025) in accordance with the approved Program, before the start of the event, which will be presented on the website at:

3.2.  The mandatory condition for the publication of the Participant's theses in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book" is:

3.2.1.  submission of abstracts by the Participant, or co-authorship in abstracts submitted for publication in the Congress materials;

 3.2.2.  positive reviews of international reviewers (chosen by the Partner) who are specialists in the field for which theses are written (in case of receiving comments, the Participant will be able to make appropriate corrections to the text taking into account the reviewer's comments);

3.3.  The fact of the Parter fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement is the organization of personal participation and the publication of the Participant’s theses in the collection of materials of the ХІI International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists BIMCO 2025 "BIMCO JOURNAL Abstracts Book", presented on the congress website at:


Rights and duties


4.1.  The Partner obligates:

4.1.1.  To contribute to the organization and provision of the Congress within the limits of the defined and agreed list in a high quality and in full.

4.1.2.  To attract qualified executors for the organization of the performance of functions, to ensure the requirements regarding publication ethics and copyright when publishing the materials of the Congress, which are specified in the appropriate section on the website at:

4.1.3.  To promptly inform the Participant about changes, additional services and other options, as well as about the cost of services for participation in the work of the Congress on the website at:

4.1.4.  To provide the Participant with information and documents related to this Agreement, the result and the process of providing services by means of telephone, mail, electronic communication, in person or orally.

4.1.5.  To inform the Participant about any circumstances that prevent or may prevent the qualitative, timely or complete provision of services in accordance with this Agreement.


4.2.  The Partner has the right:

4.2.1.  To refuse to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement and provide services in case of improper performance by the Participant of their obligations under this Agreement. In particular (but not exclusively), the Partner may unilaterally refuse further performance of services in cases:

– non-fulfillment by the Participant of their obligations under this Agreement, including in case of violation of the payment terms provided for in clause 2.2 of this Agreement;

–  provision of inaccurate information by the Participant;

– provision by the Participant to the Partner of materials that do not meet moral and ethical standards (plagiarism, publication ethics, etc.);

–  dissemination of negative information about the Partner, which harms their business reputation;

– untimely provision by the Participant of documents, materials for publication and information necessary for the provision of services, in particular the publication of scientific materials of the Participant;

–  violation by the Participant of moral and ethical norms during the provision of services by the Partner;

–  Participant's refusal to receive services.


4.3.  The Participant obligates:

4.3.1.  To provide attendance for receiving services (with the exception of Participants who are published in the materials of the Conference without physical participation).

4.3.2. To timely pay the Registration Fee in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement.

4.3.3.  To provide complete, reliable information, documents, materials for publication, which are necessary for the provision of services by the Partner. These documents must be certified by the Participant.

The strength of a document certified by the Participant is the scanned documents with the signature, from the e-mail address of the Participant, received by the Partner at the official e-mail of the Congress, e-mail:

4.3.4.  To ensure compliance of all scientific materials provided by the Participant for publication in the collection of materials on publication ethics and publication requirements, which are covered in the relevant sections on the website at:

4.3.5.  To fulfill other legal requirements of the Partner necessary for the proper execution of this Agreement.


4.4.  The Participant has the right:

4.4.1. To receive services in a timely, qualitative manner and in full in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.4.2.  To receive the necessary and reliable information from the Partner about the nature and scope of the services provided by them, as well as other information related to the publication of the Participant's scientific materials in the collection of the Congress.

4.4.3.  To receive additional information and additional materials about services provided by the Partner.

4.4.4. Contact the Partner with suggestions for improving the process of publication of the Participant's scientific materials in the Congress proceedings.

4.5.  The Parties guarantee that the materials and access to the electronic resources they have received as part of the performance of this contract will not be provided/transferred to any third parties, copied or otherwise reproduced, except for the cases provided for by the current legislation.

4.6.  Each of the Parties obligates to maintain confidentiality and not to provide third parties with materials that are intended for publication, including but not limited to links, etc., without the prior written consent of the other party, with the exception of cases when such materials are public. 


Responsibilities of the Parties

5.1.  The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

5.2.  The Participant bears full responsibility for the truthfulness, reliability and accuracy of the information provided to the Partner, for the authenticity of the provided documents and their content and compliance with the requirements of publication ethics, including before third parties, bodies or institutions. The Partner is not responsible for the content and design of documents provided by the Participant.

5.3.  The Partner is not responsible to the Participant for failure to provide services under this Agreement, if this happens due to the Participant's fault (failure to provide necessary documents, etc.). The partner is not responsible for the actions of state authorities, local governments, or third parties.


Dispute resolution procedure

6.1.  In the event of disputes arising during the performance of this Agreement by the Parties, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations. If it is impossible to settle them through negotiations, the interested Party applies to the court of the relevant jurisdiction in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


Force majeure circumstances

7.1.  The Parties are released from responsibility for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, if it was the result of force majeure circumstances, such as: natural disasters, fire, floods, strikes, military actions or other circumstances, if they affected the fulfillment of this Agreement by the Parties. Circumstances of force majeure should be understood as circumstances that arose during the term of this Agreement as a result of unforeseen and unavoidable events by the Parties.

7.2.  The party for which conditions have been created under which it is impossible to fulfill the obligations under the contract due to force majeure circumstances must notify the other party in writing of the occurrence of these circumstances without any delay, no later than 10 (ten) days from the date of their occurrence. The notification must contain data on the occurrence, nature of the circumstances and their possible consequences.

7.3.  A certificate from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine can serve as adequate proof of the existence of force majeure circumstances.

7.4. In the event of force majeure, the Partner must make every effort to provide services in full on time. At the same time, they are released from the need to return the funds received from the Participant in the event of the impossibility of providing services, or a significant change in their quantitative and qualitative characteristics.


Personal data and intellectual property rights

8.1.  By accepting this Agreement, the Participant gives his consent to the collection, processing and storage of his personal data, which were communicated to the Partner through an electronic form from the website at: or in any other way, in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", and also grants the right to include their personal data in the unified electronic database of conference participants. In the future, this data may be used by the Partner to inform registered Participants about the progress of preparations for the conference, changes in its conduct, etc. by e-mail and/or other means of communication, including by telephone.

8.2.  The parties obligate, in accordance with the requirements of current legislation on the protection of personal data, to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data from illegal processing, as well as from illegal access to them, including taking the necessary measures to prevent the disclosure of personal data by employees and/or other authorized persons Parties to whom such personal data was entrusted or which became known to them in connection with the performance of obligations under this Agreement.

8.3.  The Participant agrees that the Partner is not responsible for any processing, failure to ensure the regime of access and protection of the Participant's personal data by third parties, including the Partner's employees, if providing access to such personal data (or other action that created the possibility of further unauthorized processing by third parties) was committed by the Partner or another person with the permission of the Participant outside the performance of duties under this Agreement for personal or other purposes not related to the performance of duties under this Agreement, using technical means or other materials/equipment of the Partner .

8.4.  Taking into account the provisions of this Agreement, the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights", "On Information", the Parties have agreed that:
– all materials that will be used for the purpose of performing this Agreement are protected by copyright,

– for all objects of intellectual property provided during the implementation of this Agreement by the Partner, all and any exclusive property rights, including those specified in Article 424 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, for objects of intellectual property (copyright) from the moment of creation such objects belong in full to their authors.

8.5.  The Participant has the right to use the materials exclusively for the purposes of fulfilling this Agreement. At the same time, intellectual property rights to the materials remain with their authors. Nothing in this Agreement should be interpreted as a transfer of any intellectual property rights to information materials and/or permission to use such materials for purposes other than those specified in the Agreement, including their transfer to third parties.


Contract term

9.1.  The Agreement enters into force from the moment of Acceptance by the Participant and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

Obligations under this Agreement are considered fulfilled by the Participant from the moment of full payment of the Registration Fee in accordance with the chosen form of participation in the Congress and the corresponding amount of the Registration Fee.

Obligations under this Agreement are considered fulfilled by the Partner from the moment the Congress ends and the Participant's scientific materials are published on the website at:

9.2.  The Partner has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement and stop providing services in the cases provided for in Clause 4.2.1 of this Agreement. In case of termination of the Agreement according to clause 4.2.1. of this Agreement, payments made by the Participant under this Agreement are not refundable.

9.3.  This Agreement may be prematurely terminated by agreement of the Parties or by a decision of the Commercial Court.


Final provisions

10.1.   The Partner does not edit information about the Participant - name, surname, position and place of work specified during registration.

10.2. This contract is governed by the current legislation of Ukraine, regardless of where the Client who receives the service is located.

10.3.   All disagreements and disputes that may arise between the Parties in connection with the implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

10.4. All changes and additions to this Agreement are valid if they are posted by the Partner on the Congress website at: Other documents exchanged by the Parties via e-mail also have the force of written form (and are considered annexes to this Agreement).

10.6.  The Participant confirms that he has familiarized himself with all its terms and conditions before concluding (joining) this Agreement, and knowingly entered into this Agreement without any coercion.

10.7. After joining the terms of this Agreement, all previous negotiations and correspondence of the Parties, which in one way or another relate to this Agreement, lose legal force, but may be taken into account when interpreting the terms of this Agreement.

10.8.  All legal relations that arise in connection with the execution of this Agreement and are not regulated by it are regulated by the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.

10.9.  The validity of this Agreement (and even if the Participant has accepted the contract in accordance with the terms of this Agreement) does not apply to the cases of the conclusion of a separate bilateral written agreement between the Partner and the Participant and the payment of services by the Participant to the Partner in accordance with the separate written agreement concluded with them.

10.10. The Parties confirm that in the event that any provision of this Agreement becomes or is declared invalid due to non-compliance with the law, such a provision does not entail the invalidity of any other provision of this Agreement or this Agreement as a whole. In such a case, the Parties must take measures as soon as possible to amend the Agreement to the extent necessary to replace the invalid provision, so that in the amended form it is legal and essentially preserves the original intentions of the Parties as much as possible.