Participation forms

Participation Froms

Active Participation

  • Report with presentation (Oral presentation)
  • Publication of abstracts
  • Participation in workshops
  • Participant package
  • Participation certificate
  • Originality > 90%
  • Permitted type of work - Original study or Clinical case


  • Poster report
  • Publication of abstracts
  • Participation in workshops
  • Participant package
  • Participation certificate
  • Originality > 80%
  • Permitted type of work - Original study, Literature review or Clinical case

Online Participation

  • Report with presentation
  • Publication of abstracts
  • Participation certificate
  • Originality > 80%
  • Permitted type of work - Original study or Clinical case

Forms of Participation "Active" is not available for participants with the type of work "Literature Review"

Passive Participation

  • Publication of abstracts
  • Participation in workshops
  • Participant package
  • Participation certificate
  • Originality ≥ 70%
  • Permitted type of work - Original study, Literature review or Clinical case

Listener Participation

  • Participation in workshops
  • Participation certificate
  • Presence at a session of one of the scientific sections
  • Originality < 70%

Abstracts Publication

  • Publication of abstracts
  • Originality ≥ 70%
  • Permitted type of work - Original study, Literature review or Clinical case

Terms of participation

Terms of participation


The authors and coauthors of the works (participants of the congress) can be students and young scientists under the age of 35 (inclusive).  All abstracts will be screened for plagiarism.

< 70%

Your abstracts are rejected and WILL NOT be published, you may participate in Congress as a Free Listener.


Your abstracts will be published, but you cannot present your work at the Congress. Passive Participation and publication of abstracts are available for you.


Your abstracts are accepted. Passive Participation, Poster Report, Online Participation and Abstracts Publication are available for you.


All Participation Forms are available for you: Active Participation, Passive Participation, Poster Report, Online Participation and Abstracts Publication

 Requirements of submitting abstracts

  • Abstracts should not be previously published or sent for publication earlier.
  • One author can be declared no more than in three abstracts.
  • The volume of materials for printing from 2000 to 2500 signs, including blanks;
  • There should be mentioned the relevance, purpose, material and methods, results and conclusion.
  • Names of pharmaceutical companies, equipment, reagents should be given in the original transcription.
  • Measurement results - in units of the International System (SI).
  • All abbreviations (except for the generally accepted ones) should be deciphered at the first use.
  • Abstracts should not contain tables, graphs, illustrations.
  • The languages of the Congress are: English and Ukrainian. 
  • Oral Presentations should be presented in English or Ukrainian ONLY.
  • All abstracts will be screened for plagiarism.

The editorial board has the right to partially edit the material, which is executed in violation of the requirements. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the scientific validity of abstracts.


The end of the review stages is in February. Anticipate the notification letter in February

Structure of abstracts

Case Report

  • Title: should briefly convey the essence of the work;
  • Feature: clinical specificity , which caused the need for its detailed analysis
  • Description: short synopsis of a clinical situation
  • Discussion: detailed description of the features of the case and its treatment
  • Conclusions: should reflect the significance of the clinical situation for medicine and / or the direction of solution to this problem

Scientific Research

  • Title: should briefly convey the main content of the work
  • Relevance: should show the necessity and the prospects of this work
  • Materials and methods: a list of sources and methods which were used by writing
  • Research results: peculiarities of scientific research, its details and consequences
  • Conclusions: the results of the study and the significance of the work for medicine.

Literature Review

  • Title: Should briefly Convey the main content of the work
  • Relevance: should show the necessity and the prospects of this work
  • Goal: should reflect the purpose set by the scientist in writing the work
  • Discussion: A detailed description of the scientific work
  • Conclusions: reflect the importance of this work for medicine.
  • WARNING! This type of work cannot be presented as an oral presentation. Passive Participation and Abstracts Publication are available for you.

Structure of presentation

Oral presentation

  • The oral presentation may take a maximum 8 minutes duration for all participants, followed by a 5 minutes of discussion. Time limits will be strictly enforced.
  • Every room will be equipped with laser pointer, multimedia projector and PC for your comfort.
  • We kindly request you to be present at least 15 minutes before your session.
  • One author can register only one active participation (oral or poster presentation on one section of congress).
  • The main author is the speaker of the submitted abstracts. Only the main author receives the Participation Certificate.

Poster presentation

  • Size of poster: height - 150 cm, width – 120 cm.
  • The poster presentation may take a maximum 6 minutes duration for all participants. Time limits will be strictly enforced.
  • We kindly ask you to be present at least 15 minutes before your session.
  • One author can register only one active participation (oral or poster presentation on one section of congress).
  • The main author is the speaker of the submitted abstracts. Only the main author receives the Participation Certificate.

On-line presentation

  • Presentation must be given in PDF format.
  • The presentation may take a maximum 8 minutes duration for all participants. Time limits will be strictly enforced.
  • We ask You to be present on-line at least 15 minutes before Your session.
  • One author may register only one active participation.
  • The main author is the speaker of the submitted abstracts. Only the main author receives the Participation Certificate.

How To Register:

How To Register!

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